Sunday, 17 November 2013

A message to my readers.

I just want to say that I've had quite a few people messaging me about stories that are similar to mine, whilst I am extremely grateful you are all so quick at finding them and letting me know about them I just want to take a moment to have a chat with you all. 
Please don’t be mean to these authors, especially the ones I consider my friends, there’s been a lot of messages about TrueTigress and KleoCullen and it can be hurtful to these two authors I consider my friends. They have both asked permission to use ideas of mine, they always credit and have my blessing with their stories. Please do not pester them, if you do not like their stories or prefer mine, just don’t read them.
However if you see someone else I have not listed here or stories that are not listed here, please let me know about them. Let’s just say the authors on that list have a free pass when it comes to my stories :)
I truly appreciate how loyal and thoughtful you all are for telling me about these stories but if someone directly mentions me as credit in their authors note it means I have fully consented to the borrowing of my idea and you should read it just like any other FanFiction, don’t compare our stories.
At the end of the day it’s just FanFiction, I do not own ideas or names or models. To have simply inspired just one person to write is just amazing to me and I will always encourage others to write.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please tell me where can I find KleoCullen fanfiction?
