Thursday 31 July 2014

Isobel's Birth (Forever After EXTRA)

So i was looking through my files and found this, after asking a few of my readers i found out ive never actually posted this in a chapter. I thought i may as well put it here. So here you go, this is Isobel's birth in 2 pov.
It hasnt been edited, sorry for typos/grammar issues :P

Renesmee Black

“Jake?” I asked rather scared.
“its just Braxton hicks honey” he told me with a smile. “it will be ok in a minute” he said taking my hand. He was so used to this now, 6th kid later he knew what to expect. Another contraction hit me and I frowned, I squeezed jacob’s hand, waiting for them to stop. Only they didn’t, they just got closer and closer.
It was then that I felt the familiar flood of water escape me.
“Jacob its not Braxton hicks” I exclaimed, he looked down and had me in his arms in a second.
“you’re only 6 months” he said.
“I know” I cried, this couldn’t be good. “we need to go to the hospital, not the cullens. She has to be born now and she wont be able to survive if we’re not in a hospital.”
“alright” he said carrying me down the stairs. “Sarah!” he called as he put me on the stairs for a second to put on his shoes. My daughter appeared in the hall.
“your moms gone into labour, I need you to stay here, ring Carlisle and get him to the hospital. Come with them if you want just make sure he gets there.”
“and my mom” I added then, clutching at my stomach as another contraction hit.
“and bella” he added as he pulled me back up into his arms.
“mommy?” Lauren asked me just ask I screamed again.
“come on sweetie” Sarah said picking her sister up into her arms and running into the kitchen for the phone.
Before I knew it I was at the hospital. Luckily Nicole was on duty and we caught her in the corridor.
“renesmee?” she asked shocked to see me there.
“we have a problem” I gasped.
“are you going into labour? But you’re not due for another 3 months” she exclaimed grabbing a wheelchair and pulling it over.
“ive got her, just tell me where to go” Jacob said, his voice strained.
“over here” Nicole ordered and she showed us into a private room. “have you rang your grandfather?” she asked and I nodded in response because if I opened my mouth I knew I would scream. “ alright im going to have a look ok?” she asked me and brought over a hospital dress. Jacob helped me change into it as Nicole went out to tell reception about the room and for no one to disturb us.
She came back in and did her doctor check.
“you’re dilated 8cm, I don’t know how this happened” she said shocked. “its too late for painkillers, you’ll have to do this naturally” she informed me and I groaned as another contraction hit me. I was crying now because I knew this wasn’t what was supposed to happen.
“is she going to be ok?” I asked her then, my tears bluring my vision.
“I don’t know renesmee, I cant do the normal checks with you. I cant see why she was in distress. I don’t know whats wrong. You’re just going to have to give birth and hope for the best” she informed me sadly. My tears were falling down my face now.
In all honesty I could understand why I was in this position again. I cried out as another contraction hit.
“Oh my god” I cried. Jacob squeezed my hand.
“It’s alright sweetheart” he cooed. I glared at him.
“This is the fifth time I’ve been in this position, no more or you’re giving birth to it next time” I hissed at him, trying to lighten the situation a bit. He smiled at me.
“Ok” he agreed. I sighed and took in some sharp quick breaths as another contraction hit.
“GRANDPA!” I called. There was no way I was lasting much more.
“Ok Renesmee. I’m here.” He answered coming in putting on gloves.
“Mommy!” I heard Lauren call out, I saw her hand through the door but she was jerked back by someone.
“You can’t go in there sweetie, mommy’s having her baby” I heard my Aunt Rose say to her.
“But I want to see my mom!” I heard her call, she was crying now.
“You can in a bit” she said, their voices were fading. I realised Rosalie was dragging lauren away from the door. “come on kids you cant go in” she informed my other children. I took in a deep breath in and out.
“ok renesmee” my grandfather said coming over to me. “you just went into labour?” he asked. I nodded and he frowned.
“how long ago?” he asked feeling my tiny bump.
“an hour at most” Jacob informed him. “Nicole” he said and he motioned for her to do the sonogram thing.
“but shes about to give birth.” She said to him.
“we need to see the situation before we can help her” Carlisle informed her and she nodded with a sigh. As soon as the picture came up on the screen Carlisle disappeared from my side. He appeared seconds later.
“ok renesmee we need to get her out now” he said his voice concerned.
“why whats wrong?” i asked.
“the umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck, shes suffocating” he informed me, my breathing hitched. “push renesmee” he informed me again and i did as he asked.
I knew she was gone from my body but i didn’t hear the familiar crying i was used to. My baby was silent.
“grandpa?” i asked the tears falling from my eyes already.
My grandfather didn’t say anything, he was gone from the room with my baby.
“dad?” i asked, my voice breaking. I knew he’d hear me. My father came into the room with a solemn look on his face. “daddy?” i asked again, tears streaming from my eyes.
“Carlisle will try his best” he told me and sat on my other side. My mom walked in then, her face was worried.
I focused on my dad who had taken my hand.
“what do you mean? Why wasn’t she crying?” i asked, my sobs breaking my speech.
“she had the umbilical cord around her neck, thats why you went into labour so early. Your daughter is struggling to stay alive right now. Hes got her in the hands of the post-natal team. Its the best team in the state. She’s going to be ok” he assured me. I was breathing quickly.
“shes alive right? Shes breathing?” i asked. My fathers face twisted.
“shes alive but not breathing on her own just yet” he said soothingly to me. My sobs erupted again as i cried for the life of my daughter. I looked to my left to see Jacob. He was leant over the edge of my bed with his elbows up, my hand was still in his and he had our hands by his mouth. I saw silent tears falling from his eyes and seeing him cry just made me cry harder. His eyes were fixed on me but i could tell his mind was somewhere else. My mom appeared behind him and rested her hand on his shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting to hear the cry i so desperately wanted to hear.
After a few minutes i heard the door open. My grandfather came in and i sat up entirely too fast. I didn’t care for the pain that rocked through my body. I tried to study his face to know an answer before he said it.
“your daughter was stillborn” he started explaining, my sobs erupted again and i couldn’t survive the pain that rocked through my body. “nessie i managed to revive her” he explained, i let out a shaky sigh and my sobs haulted. “shes stabalised but shes in an incubator with the NICU team. Shes in good hands nessie but we’re going to have to keep her here for a while.” He informed me. I nodded, to tell him i understood, i couldn’t manage speech at the moment.
No more. I placed into jacob’s head.
He nodded in agreement. I couldn’t go through this again. If this had happened with William or even sarah i wouldn’t have had anymore. I couldn’t do through this. I began crying again and Jacob dropped my hand to climb onto the bed with me. I curled into his chest. Not caring for the pain radiating from a certain part of my body. The pain from my heart was the worst. Jacob held me as my family watched on helpless.
“i want to see her” i cried and pulled away.
“Renesmee i need to see if you need stitches first.” My grandfather told me,
“i don’t” i told him, i knew the pain of being torn and it wasn’t that.
“if you’re sure” he frowned.
“ill be ok in a second.” I told him as i sat up. “i want to see her” i told him again. He nodded and held out a dressing gown. I took it and Jacob helped me stand up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we followed Carlisle out of the room and down the hall towards the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I held back a sob as we entered the part of the hospital I never wanted to see. Jacob pulled me closer to his side as we walked in and followed Carlisle to where our daughter was. I was seeing a dozen if not more incubators with little babies in. some were reasonably big, they looked healthy and ready to go home but some looked on the brink of death, and even if my daughter wasn’t in here, I knew id be crying for the life of these tiny babies.
“Dr Cullen” a nurse caught his attention, she went into a conversation with him about something that totally went over my head. I was too fixated on the little girl Carlisle had took me to in the incubator. There was a nurse putting tubes and other medical things into my daughter.
“Susan, this is Renesmee and Jacob, theyre the parents of Isobel” my grandfather introduced us.
“oh hey!” Susan said, a little too enthusiastic for the situation. “your little girl is a fighter, im so happy she came through for you” she said to us.
“thanks” I mumbled but I couldn’t bring my self to mean it.
“hey baby girl” I whispered, my tears falling over seeing her attatched to all the tubes.
“shes doing ok Nessie” my grandfather assured me and put his arm around me. I let out a shaky sigh and leant into his chest.
Isobel had been in the hospital for months. I came home after a few days but I went back every single day to see my daughter.
I got to know the nurses caring for her pretty well over the months. None of them could believe she was my sixth child, I didn’t look old enough to have that many children and I could tell by some of the tones they used in their voice they were slightly jealous that I could still be in such good shape after them.
I avoided the jealous ones and mostly spoke to Susan, she was Isobel’s primary carer. She was an amazing person with loads of stories to tell. She was in her late 40s so she had been a nurse for a while now. She told me of all the families she had gotten to know and all the cases of children surviving and dying. One story she told me gave me hope. A little girl was born after just 5 months in the womb and she made it through everything without any complications, she was a normal baby after the 4 months in the NICU. It gave me hope that my own daughter would be ok. My other children loved her too, they would often come with me to sit with Isobel or just keep me company and Susan loved entertaining them. All my children were affected by Isobel but one i noticed that i knew would be changed for the rest of her life was Lauren.

Lauren Black (8 years old)

I walked up to my sisters door, which was slightly open. It was almost custom now. After my parents go to bed for me to sneak into my sisters room. I was pretty sure my parents knew I did this but they didn’t stop me from finding comfort in my sister, which I was glad. I closed the door behind me and walked over to Sarah who was reading a book. She closed the book and put it on the bedside table. I crawled into her bed and she held me in a hug.
I could hear the cries of my mom in the next room and I squeezed Sarah tighter to me. She kissed my head and ran her hand through my hair. My mom was normally very strong, during the day she never showed any pain she was feeling over the situation with Isobel. She was strong for us but at night time it was a totally different story. We all knew never to disturb our parents in their bedroom unless it was an emergency and so it gave them a sanctuary in which to discuss us kids without us being there, it was also where my mom could break down and tell our dad what was really on her mind. Nowadays its where she would cry for the survival of her daughter.
It pained me to hear my mom crying, so much so that if I could do anything to take away her pain I would. But since I couldn’t, I often slept in my sisters room because if I was alone, I would just cry with her.
The atmosphere was horrible at home. I would often just go to First Beach and cry. I hated that things had changed so suddenly and so drastically. I was so excited for my little sister to be born. I often prayed that the 9 months would come quicker but I didn’t mean literally, I cursed the person who had answered my wish. I wanted to have a baby sister but I didnt want her to be dying.
Even though we didn’t know Isobel, or what colour hair she’d have, or her personality yet, it seemed like our family was missing something. Isobel completed us and she was missing. She was the missing, final piece of the Black family and it was affecting everyone drastically. The pain when I thought about her tiny self, fighting in the hospital radiated through me like id never felt before. This was pain, not the scratch on your knee when you fall over as a child and cry for ages for your mommy to pick you up, not the pain of having to go to the dentist to get a filling or to get a check up. This was real pain, the pain for a loved one and it really hit me then, even if I was only 8 years old. That my sister could die, that someone in the immortal Cullen family was dying. I had it told to me a hundred dozen times that our family would never die. That they were immortal but it didn’t matter to me now, we weren’t all immortal, a Cullen was dying and nobody could help her.  Carlisle was helping her as much as he couldn’t but it was really down to Isobel and whether she’d be able to survive outside of my mom’s tummy. I remember seeing Isobel for the first time and she was so small, she was smaller than my dads hand and she was so pink. I remember thinking she was like an alien because she looked so weird. Her skin was almost transparent and I could see her veins and her bones. I was never allowed to hold her at the beginning. Even my parents couldn’t at first but they eventually allowed my mom to hold her on her chest. I had to have my hands cleaned and I had to be careful not to breathe on her fully but I was finally allowed to touch her little arms and face when my mom was holding her. My dad was allowed to hold her next and when she got a little stronger Sarah was allowed, before finally William and then me. It wasn’t long before we took her home that I got to hold her and I felt so happy to be holding my baby sister. She was all I ever wanted and I knew I would protect her forever, or as long as we both living.


  1. Do you when you might be starting to update more frequently?

  2. Thank you for this extra been curious since the epilogue of Renesmee forever
